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hrough his research philosophy of the body and thinking

The body in Arab intellectual studies receives appropriate attention and celebration:
It has not been found in contemporary Western studies: this may be due to the fact that many
The caveats I am surrounded by: whether these caveats are religious, moral or social:
In the absence of such serious studies, the concept of the body remained firmly in the minds
With concepts of inferiority: I considered it a visual material value without paying attention to moral aspects
And the cognitive, philosophical and semantic that the concept of the body carries. The Journal of the world of thought: namely
Concerned with serious and contemporary intellectual studies: I found a completion of its role in putting forward what I
About the issues and what the Pens were embarrassed to address to allocate a focus in which to address the concept of
The body is in a serious show that touches on all aspects: which is what the magazine hopes to find in it
A generous reader is interested in what he is doing. The issue begins with a presentation devoted to the study of the body in
The Quranic text; where Dr. Hassan Hanafi discusses in a paper entitled " Soul and body
In the Holy Quran. The relationship between the soul and the body in the Quranic text.
Referring to the places they mentioned and interpreting these places.
In the second study, entitled B.The levels of presence of the body in the Quranic text.
Dr. Muhammad Iqbal arwi reviews: the context of the various verses spoken about
The body at all levels and situations: in order to achieve a synthetic image of the body in the Qur'an
The cream.
Dr. Joseph Tibbs: in his study .The evolution of the concept of the body: from philosophical reflection
To scientific perception: "to verify the scientific, philosophical and methodological foundations
Theories that deal with the subject of the body. Both experimentally and hypothetically, as he tries to
The philosophical, scientific and historical problem that has surrounded it determines the concept of the body.

Body, Body and self-identity; is the title of the fourth monograph in which he addresses
Dr. Ezzedine lahkim Bennani presents and analyzes the history of philosophical ideas that
I touched the body. Some of the major philosophical problems addressed by science
Knowledge about the body.

Dr. Sayar Gemayel informs us: through his research, " the philosophy of the body and thinking
Humanism... Arab vision": on the human vision of the body first; and for human thinking as
One of the aspects of human formation is secondly. Reviewing his vision of the human body and what it carries

Dr. Abdulrahman Al-telili is researching in the sixth study "violence on the body" ٠
The real place of the body in philosophical thought; by extrapolating some ideas
Philosophers and thinkers throughout the ages.

Dr. Al-Sadiq Rabeh reviews in his research entitled " Happiness tax: publicity
Documenting the body:: many horizons and cognitive readings that approximate the subject of the body
And his relationship with the other. In addition to the role of the media in leaking a number of concepts to individuals
Society: later it became standards and criteria by which they judge themselves
And on others.

And in the last study: in this axis, .The body and the theater " deals with Dr. Nadim maalla
The connection between the body and the theater: a review of the beginnings of the theater's interaction with
The body as a secondary factor serves the literary text performed by it: and then reviews
The development of interest in the body. Until he became the absolute master on stage.

Finally, consider the world of thought magazine. By presenting this theme: to have contributed to
Opening the door to the introduction of serious Arab studies: taking a holistic, critical approach that goes deep and far
About the narrow visions that marred the previous proposals on the axis of this issue. Until we return
Consideration of the body by rethinking it as an aesthetic and creative value.

With the "content analysis" approach, the meanings of the soul and body can be limited to find out their general perception in
The framework of ancient religions or in the structure of the work itself by analyzing human experience and perceiving it intuitively
And its conformity with a priori. The meaning of words is constant and shifting. Steady in mind and experimental؛
And the transformer is in custom and usage. The constant is defined by the analysis of the derivative meaning: it is the first meaning
The pronunciation originated in phonology, and the idiomatic meaning based on it. The Transform is defined by
The customary meaning of people's use of it in time and space.

However, the words soul, body and body remain in limited use. While the frequency of utterance is frequent
The soul, the body, the oblique meanings of the soul and the descending meanings of the body. And in order to convert the binary
Materialism is divided into a moral duality in the relationship of the inside with the outside, intuition with proof: and vision with perception.

He was a philosopher. Ancient and modern. They have dealt with these two concepts by analysis and description in the framework of
Ancient supervisory cultures and religions. And they ended with the famous duality between the soul and the body. They understand
Differentiated. They have two different destinies: the first is for immortality. The second is for the yard. This duality has continued
He crossed the Greek idealistic philosophies of Socrates and Plato. Islamism of Ibn Sinai and Western
Central and modern since Descartes. The doctrine of the reincarnation of Souls has not long outlived the return of the soul to the body
For her reward or punishment comes from India . There is no heaven in India; everything happens on Earth.